Indoor vs Outdoor Pickleballs: How to Set Up the Perfect Pickleball Game


When it’s time for a new pickleball, you may notice that every pickleball for sale has the words “Indoor” or “Outdoor” in the description. Maybe a pickleball set even says “Indoor or Outdoor.” In this article, we’ll cover the main differences you can expect with either type of pickleball as well as how to decide which type is right for your perfect pickleball game.

indoor vs outdoor pickleball paddles, best pickleball balls, paddle ball vs pickleball

Is Pickleball Played Indoors or Outdoors?

Both! Pickleball can be enjoyed in both environments, under certain conditions of course. While indoors, pickleball should be played on a hardtop court. This is the same type of court that can set the stage for racquetball, squash, indoor tennis, volleyball, or even basketball. There should always be a safety net between the play area and spectators to avoid any possible injury. While outdoors, pickleball should be played in a fenced court like one used for tennis. If you’re playing at home, you can even use a driveway if it’s wide enough. 

Indoor pickleball is better suited for beginners due to the controlled environment (lack of wind, and sun in the eyes) and a slower speed of the ball. Outdoor pickleball is faster and arguably more fun once you’ve gotten some experience with the game.

Can You Use Indoor Pickleballs Outdoors?

We don’t recommend it! Playing pickleball indoors has slight differences with the pickleball you play outdoors. The biggest difference is in the construction of the balls themselves. This will have a major effect on how everyone enjoys the game. Even though there is a noticeable difference between the types of balls, the average user won’t be able to tell when they’re used in the correct environment.

Do Indoor or Outdoor Pickleballs Have Bigger Holes?

Indoor pickleballs have bigger holes. This lightweight construction is perfect for an indoor setting where there will be less air resistance than outside. It also makes them perfect for getting to know the sport a little better in a more controlled environment like an indoor court. 

How Many Holes Does An Indoor Pickleball Have?

Pickleballs that are designed for indoor settings are made of lightweight plastic and typically have 26 medium sized holes drilled in the side. These will affect the aerodynamics of the pickleball and force it to travel slower through the air, facilitating a safer environment for new learners.

Do Outdoor Pickleballs Have Large Holes?

No, they don’t. This extra plastic weight better helps the ball stay on its intended trajectory and it will also move faster. Since the outside environment is rather unpredictable, you’ll be much better off using outdoor pickleballs when away from a court. The slightest breeze can send an indoor pickleball flying off course, making the game more difficult for all. 

How Many Holes In An Outdoor Pickleball?

Pickleballs that are designed for outdoor settings are made of a heavier thickness of plastic and typically have around 40 smaller holes drilled in the side. This decreases air resistance, making the pickleball more aerodynamic. An outdoor pickleball will travel faster with the same serve. This will make playing more difficult for beginners, but much more exciting for those with experience.

What Is The Difference Between Indoor And Outdoor Pickleball?

There are several differences between the locations where pickleball is played. Let’s go over the ways that the location where you play pickleball can have an impact on how the game is played.

  • The Build of Pickleballs: Indoor and outdoor pickleballs have a key difference that allows them to be effectively used in either location. Indoor pickleballs are lighter and contain fewer and larger holes. Outdoor pickleballs are heavier and contain more and smaller holes. The difference affects how fast the pickleball moves through the air as well as how well it fares against the breezes outdoors.

  • Natural Distractions: There are a whole range of distractions which can affect the enjoyment of an outdoor pickleball game. For instance, we already know that wind can be a huge disruption in outdoor play. Another big element that can lead to distraction is direct sunlight, which can be a disadvantage to one or both teams. Of course, rain and other types of weather can put a damper on the fun as well.

  • Indoor Noise: Pickleball, like all other racquet and paddle sports, can create a significant amount of noise in an indoor setting. This can be distracting to both players and any spectators trying to take part in the excitement. If the pickleball courts are in the vicinity of yoga studios or other quieter spaces, we recommend collaborating with others in the recreation center to make sure that the quieter events aren’t put at a disadvantage due to the noise from pickleball.

How Long Do Pickleballs Last?

At a certain point, a pickleball becomes too worn down to play well. It won’t achieve the same velocity as it did when fresh. When a pickleball is hit enough times with a paddle, it will start to lose its shape, becoming unevenly soft or even dented. Both of these greatly decrease the aerodynamics of the ball and make play much more difficult. 

Here are a few different factors that will determine how long your pickleball will last:

  • How often do you play? Of course, the more often you play, the faster your pickleball will wear down and eventually require replacement. If you play once a week or so, your pickleball will probably last anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 weeks.

  • Do you play professionally or for fun? There is a huge difference between your casual pickleball’s quality and that of a pickleball that’s USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) approved. If you’re training for a tournament, you’ll want the highest quality pickleball for rigorous and frequent training as well as competition. If you’re playing casual games once in a while, you won’t see a huge improvement in your game with a professional quality pickleball. Keep in mind, however, that going for the cheapest option will probably mean spending a lot more money in the long run because they won’t last as long as higher quality pickleballs.

  • Are you playing indoors or outdoors? Remember that indoor pickleballs are designed for slower play in a controlled environment like an indoor court. Outdoor pickleballs are built to a greater thickness, which helps them achieve a higher speed. It also means they can hold their trajectory against the slight changes in wind speed or direction and they’re more durable against any abrasive materials that could be present on the court. Simply put, outdoor pickleballs are built stronger.

  • What is the quality of your paddle? Pickleball paddles are designed to transfer the most amount of kinetic energy between your arm and the pickleball itself. A high quality paddle will treat the pickleball much better than one that’s too hard or too flexible.

When it’s all said and done, you can expect a typical pickleball to last around 10 games of normal play before it starts to get too soft and fall apart.

What Is The Best Pickleball Brand?

For indoor pickleballs, we recommend the Wavsky Pickleball Set. This pickleball set gives you the confidence you need to start working on your form and get comfortable with the game. 

As for outdoor pickleballs, you would be hard-pressed to find a better starter outdoor pickleball brand than Franklin Sports’ X-40 Outdoor Pickleballs. These will get you the velocity and fun you’re looking for while also being quite affordable!